Sri Sathya Sai Multi-Speciality Diagnostic Camp

|| Om Sri Sai Ram ||

Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation

Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Offering our love and Pranams at the lotus of feet of Bhagavan –

80th birthday celebrations, 23rd November 2005

Seva:                                Sri Sathya Sai Multi-Speciality Diagnostic Camp in association with ‘Indian Cancer Society’ 

Purpose:                           Today, Navi Mumbai samithis have adopted around 7-8 villages. During the medical camps it has been found that many poor villagers are suspected to have cancer, TB, anemia etc. To facilitate proper diagnosis and provide appropriate medical treatment, a special camp is being organized in association with Indian Cancer Society.  

The real tragedy about some of the dreaded diseases is that it begins with very minor symptoms, which go unnoticed. So, a person may have HIV, cancer or TB and not know about it. Today, most diseases are capable of being treated if diagnosed early.  It is all the more important for the village people since many have tobacco habits like taking gutka, smoking etc. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of Navi Mumbai zone has undertaken a programme to provide diagnosis and remedial treatment for patients residing in the villages adopted by the Organisation and also to the economically backward needy patients of the Navi Mumbai zone.  

Check-up Comprise of:        1. Complete Blood Count Test – Hb/WBC

2. ENT Examination including indirect laryngoscopy

3. A complete general Check-up by a Surgeon

4. Chest X-Ray (MMR)

5. A complete gynaec internal examination & a Papsmear (for women) 

Max. Patients - diagnosed: 100 persons in the ratio of 60 men & 40 women. (Age group - 40+) 

Scheduled day, date & Venue: Saturday, 18/Dec/2004 at Sai Prem.

Timings:                            To be confirmed with Indian Cancer Society, most probably it will be from 10 am to 3 pm.

Seva Opportunity:               The patients proposed to be treated are from economically weaker sections of rural Maharashtra. Any person interested to participate in the noble cause could:

1. Adopt one or more patients and help them in the rehabilitation process (The assistance could be by way of sponsoring the diagnosis or post-diagnosis treatment, providing medicines, visiting the patient periodically and providing love and care to hasten the healing process)

2. Sponsor the multi-speciality diagnosis

3. Support the post-diagnosis treatment

For further details you may contact the undersigned L Ganeshkumar via email at